
Pronouns are words used in place of nouns. There are of six types:

(a) Personal Pronouns

  • Also called Subject pronouns.
  • Are used when the pronoun is the subject of the sentence. These refer to persons. They are:

I, me, he, him, she, her, it, we, us, they, them, you.

Tip: You can remember subject pronouns easily by filling in the blank subject space for a simple sentence.

______ did the job.
I, you, he, she, it, we, and they all fit into the blank and are, therefore, subject pronouns.

(b) Possessive Pronouns

These are used to show who owns what:

My, mine, your, yours, hers, his, its, our, ours, their, theirs.

Possessive pronouns show ownership and never need apostrophes.
NOTE: The only time it's has an apostrophe is when it is a contraction for it is or it has.

It's a cold morning.
The thermometer reached its highest reading.


(c) Demonstrative Pronouns

These are used to point to something:

This, these, that, those.

“this” and “these” refer to things which are nearby in space and time.

“that” and “those” refers to things which are faraway in space and time.

(d) Relative Pronouns

These are introducing or linking words. They link one clause to another clause. Hence, they introduce a subordinate clause in a sentence. They are:

who, whom, whose, which, that.

Who, whom and whose are used to refer to persons; which refers to things, and that refers to persons or things. They can also be compound words like: whoever, whomever, whichever.

 (e) Reflexive Pronouns

These refer back to the subject of the sentence or of the clause:

ourselves, yourselves, myself, himself, itself, themselves, herself.

 (f) Indefinite Pronouns

These refer to nouns whose quantity or number is not exactly stated:

either, neither, all, both, any, none, some, many, another, each, every.

  • personal_pronouns by Cape Fear AYEC used under CC_BY-SA
  • possesive_pronouns by Various sources used under CC_BY-SA
  • demonstrative_pronouns_2 by The Garfield show used under CC_BY-SA
  • demonstrative_pronouns_-_best by used under CC_BY-SA
  • relative-pronouns by eLimu used under CC_BY-SA
  • reflexive_-pronouns by eLimu used under CC_BY-SA
  • indefinite_pronouns_1 by m used under CC_BY-SA

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