1. The price of essential commodities are likely to go up very soon due to inflation.
A. important
B. basic
C. vital
D. costly
2. The counsellor highlighted on the importance of abstinence in order to avoid contrating HIV and Aids.
A. explained
B. stressed
C. taught
D. touched
3. The man was acquitted of all the charges.
A. released
B. accused
C. freed
D. charged
4. Our class attended the festival last weekend.
A. show
B. celebrations
C. participation
D. ceremony
1. The poor orphans were being looked after by their ailing grandmother since their mother died.
A. Since their mother died the ailing grandmother was looking after the poor orphans.
B. The ailing grangmother had been looking after the poor orphans since their mother died.
C. The ailing grandmother looked after the poor children since thei mother passed away.
D. Since their mother died the poor, ailing grandmother looked after the poor orphans.
2. The weather has gradually been charging.
A. The weather changed steadily.
B. The weather changed unnoticed
C. The weather changed rapidly.
D. The weather changed slowly.
3. The boy will certainly fall if he climbs the fence.
A. The boy is likely to fall if he climbs the fence
B. The boy is bound to fall if he climbs the fence
C. The boy is probably going to fall if he climbs the fence.
D. The boy is able to fall if he climbs the fence
1. He did not get the job he had applied for brcause his handwriting was so poor that it could not be read.
A. illegible
B. eligible
C. illiterate
D. illegitimate
2. Her new dress is quite pretty but it can be seen through.
A. is transparent
B. is translucent
C. is opaque
D. is light
3. It is her mother's sister who visited us last Christmas.
A. niece
B. nephew
C. aunt
D. uncle
4. The people who came to the funeral ate and finished the beef from the bull that was slaughtered for them.
A. criers
B. weepers
C. deceased
D. mourners
5. Fatuma looks like her mother very much.
A. likes
B. resembles
C. imitates
D. imagines.
6. There was a shortage of food in the country during the last drought.
A. scarcity
B. rarity
C. famine
D. absence
7. When there is famine, children are likely to get a disease commonly caused by malnutrition.
A. beriberi
B. marasmus
C. kwashiorkor
D. tuberculosis
8. The hyena which attacked the flock was speared to death by the person who looks after the sheep
A. herdsman
B. shepherd
C. shop keeper
D. flock keeper
9. The vultures fought over the dead body of a cow behind the slaughter- house.
A. skeleton
B. meat
C. corpse
D. carcass
10. We were stung by a group of bees which invaded our classroom.
a. a swarm
B. a nest
C. a hive
D. a flock