Changing Role of the Headteacher

Managing change is about getting people on board and making them want to change.

It involves creating an emotional connection to the change process and motivating the individuals to act differently.

The responsibility of managing change lies with the school management.

School managers have the responsibility of facilitation and enabling change as well as helping the rest of the staff  members to understand the aims and ways of responding positively to embrace the new ways of doing anything.

School managers need to be:

1. Fund raisers.

They need think of projects that can be done in the school to generate income. 

They need to know how to approach different persons so as to get funds.

They will need to be in the fore-front so as to look for funds to :

  • Get the correct infrastracture for ICT( A room, Electricity, Wiring, Internet).
  • Acquire ICT tools
  • Train their staff on ICT skills then ICT integration
  • Sustain the project.

2. Encouraging Teamwork

For students to achieve a comprehensive, well-rounded education, integrated teamwork on several fronts is vital.

Teamwork is necessary between students, between students and teachers, and among parents and educators.

The more teamwork fundamentals exhibited, the more opportunity exists for students to learn the vital skills of compromise and collaboration.


3. Encourage innovation

Effective managers facilitate and promote innovation in an organization. Nowadays innovation is a necessity for a company or an organization to achieve success and tosustain in the ever-growing competitive environment. A manager should accomplish his keyroles and should possess certain features for him to be effective.