what is digital story telling?

- "Digital storytelling" is a relatively new term which describes the new practice of everyday people who use digital tools to tell their 'story'.

- Digital stories often present in compelling and emotionally engaging formats, and can be interactive.

- The term "digital storytelling" can also cover a range of digital narratives (web-based stories, interactive stories, hypertexts, and narrative computer games).

Below is an example:

The heading of the story is :









  • Aspects of digital storytelling like pictures, music, and narration reinforce ideas and appeal to different learning types; visual, auditory, reading/writing, and kinesthetic.


  • When students are able participate in the multiple steps of designing, creating and presenting their own digital stories, they can build several literacy skills.


These include the following:

  1. Research skills by finding and analyzing information when documenting the story,

  2. Writing skills when developing a script.

  3. Organization skills by managing the scope of the project within a time constraint.

  4. Technology skills can be gained through learning to use a variety of tools, such as digital cameras and multimedia authoring software.

  5. Presentation skills through the presentation of the story to an audience. 

  6. Students also gain interview, interpersonal, problem-solving and assessment skills through completing their digital story and learning to receive and give constructive criticism.

  • digital_story_1 by slideplayer.com used under CC_BY
  • story1 by maria lawrence used under CC_BY
  • story2 by maria lawrence used under CC_BY
  • story3 by maria lawrence used under CC_BY
  • story4 by maria lawrence used under CC_BY
  • story5 by maria lawrence used under CC_BY
  • story6 by maria lawrence used under CC_BY
  • story7 by maria lawrence used under CC_BY
  • story8 by maria lawrence used under CC_BY

  • Creative Commons License
    All work unless implicitly stated is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.