New life in the African society  by  Lawrence Kamau


The kikuyu story of origin

The kikuyu believe that their first parents were gikuyu and mumbi. They were created by God (ngai). God placed them in a place called mukuruwe wa nyagathanga (murang’a). They were blessed with nine daughters. God brought nine men who married this daughters. God multiplied them to become the kikuyu community.

1) From the above story where did the kikuyu come from?

2)What is the origin of all creation? 

Ask your friend's where our first parents came from?
a)  The sky

Genesis 1:26-28, 2:5-25

We learn that;

  • God created created everything out of nothing.
  • He created huma beings both male and female.
  • The first man to be created was Adam and the first woman was Eve.
  • From this we say that God is the creator.

God created the first man.

Find out where other communities came from.

Fill in the blank spaces.

______ and ______ were the first to be created by God(ngai) who placed then in a special place called ________ in Murang'a. They were blessed with ______ daughters. Later the daughters got married and became the nine kikuyu ______.


Write one African story of origin that you know


All stories of creation show that God is the creator.