Friendship and love
- Emotions are different types of strong feelings experienced in our lives. They can be feelings of joy, love, fear or depression.
- Even Jesus Christ had emotions. He wept when Lazarus died (John 11:35).
- Some of the positive emotions are joy, happiness, love, and confidence.
- Some negative emotions are fear, hatred, uncertainty, hopelessness and envy.
How to cope with emotions
(Ephesians 4:26-32)
- Control of strong emotions is necessary in order to live within socially acceptable limits.
- Lack of self-control can bring disaster to the individual and others.
- We should neither let our anger lead us into sin nor stay angry all day.
- With God’s help we can get rid of all bitterness, evil passions and anger.
- We should be continually kind, tenderhearted and forgiving to one another just as God continually forgives us through Jesus Christ.
- We should pray to God to give us the strength to control our emotions.
Accepting ourselves and others
- Each person is unique with his/her strengths and weaknesses.
- We should love and appreciate the goodness in others and ourselves. No one is perfect except for God.
- God judges us by our hearts and not by our physical features.
- This is the true standard. Likewise, we should not judge others by external standards but judge by true standards.
- God wants us to accept others and ourselves the way we are because we are all equal before Him.
- When we feel we are unable to accept others, we should discuss with them what the problem is.
Characteristics of friendship
1. Mutual respect
(Galatians 5:13 - 15)
- Love does not exist without mutual respect.
- We should respect, value and be considerate to those that we love.
2. Wanting the best for others
(1 Corinthians 13:4 - 7)
- A true friend should want the best for others because:
a) It makes others happy.
b) It helps in maintaining the friendship.
c) God commands us to do so.
- A true friend is patient, kind, faithful and ready to forgive.
- A true friend is not jealous, proud, ill-mannered, selfish or irritable.
3. Tolerance and Patience
- Tolerance and patience contribute to a lasting relationship.
- They create trust, true love, loyalty, obedience and faithfulness in a person.
- We should seek God’s guidance in relationships.
- Men and women are required to be patient during their friendship of courtship.
- Jacob showed patience by working for fourteen years in order to marry Rachael.
- We should show tolerance and patience before making a decision.
- Tolerance and patience are necessary in order for us to succeed in life.
Necessity of loyalty, openness and trust
(1 Samuel 20: 1-23)
- A loyal friend is faithful.
- Faithfulness in friendship creates openness and trust.
- It also strengthens friendship.
- Jonathan showed his loyalty to David by helping him escape from his father, Saul.
- David showed his openness to Jonathan by sharing with him that Saul wanted to kill him (David).
- David and Jonathan trusted each other.
Sharing with others
(Ecclesiastes 12:13-14, Acts 2:42-42)
- There are many joint constructive activities that boys and girls can participate in such as games, singing, picnics and helping the needy.
- There are also destructive activities like false friendships, sexual immorality and use of drugs like cigarettes and bhang that can ruin the lives of young people.
- The disciples met as a group in the temple and shared meals, eating with glad and humble hearts.
- They praised God and enjoyed the goodwill of the people.
- In John 6:8-13, we read about the little boy who shared his five loaves of bread and two fish with the great crowd that had followed Jesus.
- The food fed over 5,000 men and twelve baskets of it remained.
- Sharing with others strengthens the group and builds up the individual.
- God will judge us for all the things we do.
Concern for others
- In Acts 9:36-42, we read the story of Tabitha, also known as Dorcas, who was a believer. She spent her time doing good and helping the needy.
- However, she became ill and died. The believers in her hometown of Joppa sent for Peter who was in Lydda. He came and prayed for her and she was presented alive before all the believers.
- Tabitha’s friends were concerned about her and sought to help her in all possible ways.
- Jesus Himself showed His concern for others by healing them, raising them from the dead, teaching them and feeding them.
- We too, should be concerned for others.