Assessment Paper - Resources and economic activities


1. Small scale farming is also known as _____.

2. What is commercial agriculture? _____.

3. Give three reasons why the settlers decided to settle in the highlands.

4. List any six characteristics of settler farming.

5. The main cash crops that were grown by the settlers were _____, _____, _____, _____ and _____.

6. What is mixed farming.

7. The settlers reared beef cattle in large farms called _____.

8. Name any two breeds of sheep that were reared by the settlers.

9. The ranches were divided into smaller units called _____.

10. State and explain any five positive effects and any five negative effects of settlers.

11. Name any two breeds of sheep that were reared by the settlers.

12. Why was the Kipande system introduced by the colonial government?

13. The largest settlement scheme in Kenya is _____

14. Name any four problems facing Ahero irrigation scheme.

15. List examples of horticultural crops grown in Kenya in the table below.

16. List any four requirements for fish farming.

17. Draw diagrams to show how the following methods of fishing are carried out.

a) Trawling

b) Drifting

c) Purse seining

d) Long line fishing


1. Name four main categories of minerals.

2. Which are three the examples of mineral fuels.

3. The most valuable mineral export for Kenya is _____.

4. Use the map below to answer question 1-3

1. Name minerals mined at places marked A- E





2. The two minerals found in the area marked A are_____ and _____ .

3. List any three uses of the mineral mined at the place marked C.

Contribution of minerals to the economy

1.Which is the main contribution of minerals to the economy of Kenya?

2. Name any three social developments which are associated with mining.

3. State three social services that could be improved due to mining activities.


1. What do you understand by the following terms?

a) Natural forests     b) Planted forests

2.Trees found in natural forests are mainly _____ woods while those found in planted forests consists mainly of _____ woods.

Types of forests in Kenya

1. In Kenya, there are both _____ and _____ forests.

2. Name two areas in Kenyan coast where mangrove forests have grown.

3. Planted forests in Kenya contaoin softwood trees like _____, _____ and _____.

4.What is forest conservation?

Wildlife and tourism

1. Define the following terms.

a) Wildlife

b) Marine Park

c) Eco-tourism

Major tourist attractions in Kenya

1. _____ is the main tourist attraction in Kenya.

2. Name the main tourist attraction along the Kenyan coast.

3. Complete the table below.

Major tourist attractions in Switzerland

1. Name the seven major tourist attractions in Switzerland

2. a) Define the term 'health spars'

    b) Name one health spar found in Switzerland.


1. What is an industry?

Types of industries

1. What is the difference between primary industries and secondary industries?

2. Which type of industry mainly uses agricultural products as its raw materials?

3. Give three examples of industries in each of the following categories.

a) Manufacturing _____, _____ and _____.

b) Processing _____, _____ and _____.

c) Assembly _____, _____ and _____.

d) Service _____, _____ and _____.

Jua kali industries

1. What are jua kali industries

2. List any five items made in Jua Kali industries

3. List any five reasons for the establishment of jua kali industries in Kenya.

Effects of industries on the environment

 1. The main problem caused by industries to the environment is _____.

2. Name five types of pollution caused by industries.

3. Some industries, which use tree products as raw materials, encourage _____.


 1. What is urbanisation?

2. Name any six urban centres in Kenya.

Functions of main towns in Kenya


1. It started as a _____ for the White settler farmers.

2. Nakuru is found on the floor of the _____.

3. It is the headquarters of _____ province.

4. Name any six functions of Nakuru town.

5. The main birds found in Lake Nakuru are the ____.

Problems facing urban centers in Kenya

 1. State and explain any six problems facing urban centres.

2.  _____ pollution is caused by poor sewerage and careless garbage disposal in urban centres.

3. State two possible ways of solving traffic congestion experienced in major towns in Kenya.


Road transport

1. What are the two main types of roads found in Kenya?

2. State any three disadvantages of road transport.

Railway transport

1. What are train wagons?

2. Name any two advantages of railway transport

Water transport

a) Why are most rivers in Kenya not navigable? _____

b) Name any four ports found on Lake Victoria.

Air transport

a) Identify one airport that handles local flight in Kenya.

b) Identify any six airstrips found in Kenya


1. Pipeline is mainly used to transport _____, _____ and _____.

2. Write any two disadvantages of cable transport.

Cable transport

1. What is the main advantage of cable trnsport over other forms of transport?

2. It is mainly used to transport _____

Major road signs

1. What is road safety?

2. Write the meaning of the following road signs. A to D

3. Complete the table below by writing the colours of the traffic lights and their respective meanings.

First Aid procedure

1. What is First Aid? ______

2. Identify any six accidents cases that always need First Aid procedure

3. Write down the steps followed when handling each of the cases you have listed in No (2) above


1. What is trade?_______

2.  Name any other three export commodities from Kenya.

3.  Name two examples of invisible exports from Kenya.

4. State and briefly explain any six benefits of trade to Kenya's economy.

5. What is a 'business opportunity'?

6. The service industry involves providing _____ to people.

7. The movement of people from one place to another while selling their goods is called _________.

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